Email: clerk@chiddingly.gov.uk
The Council will work to ensure the provision of high quality services in our community through the application of good governance, accountability and transparency to improve the quality of life of its residents.
Parish Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month (with the exception of August) at 7.30pm in Chiddingly Village Hall. Planning Committee meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
The agenda for both the parish council and planning committee meetings are published on the website, with at least three working days notice of the meeting.
Parishioners are welcome to attend the meetings, and before each meeting formally convenes they may ask questions and/or make a statement.
Agendas and Minutes are available by email. Please contact the clerk to be added to the mailing list.
The Parish Council operates three mailing lists:
The Village Events List for notices of social events are planned for the village.
The Neighbourhood Watch List.
The Parish Notice Board for council notices from us, Wealden District and East Sussex County Council including Parish Council Agendas and Minutes.
All new notices relevant to the Covid-19 Lockdown go out on the Parish Notice Board List.
Please contact the clerk to be added to any or all of the mailing lists.
The parish council would like to thank the following people for kindly sharing their photos on our website.
Lucy Carnaghan, Jane Brymer, Rosie Dadswell, Max Higgs, Martin Surgey, Caroline Surgey, Steve Tolhurst, Ruth Rance, Rachael Smith, Mike Goss, Steve Newham.